Sunday, October 16, 2011

Keeping Up With Change

Wow, it has been 10 months since my last post. Currently I've moved and starting to get my life back into order. I know that excuses only satisfy those who make them but I'm really trying to figure out what I want for my life. Although I have not accomplished what I've set out to do, I am still determined to run a marathon. This past week I've ran three times. For me, that is a fantastic accomplishment! I'm anxious to start my second week of training. I think I've finally figured out why I've struggled to achieve my weight loss and fitness goals. I've come to the conclusion that I start too many things at once. I should know myself by now that that type of strategy does not work for me. I am easily overwhelmed and the best bet for me is to tackle one thing at a time. Right now running is the only thing on my agenda. Weight loss will come but for now my goal is to run and to focus on training.

To all those who have consistently believed in me when I did not believe in myself, thank you.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's Been A While

I know I haven't been posting lately but my personal life is not going so well right now. I have, however, been keeping up with my running despite this week. I have only ran one day out of the week so far. It's been snowy and really cold and I've had no energy to go out for a run. I can't let the weather effect my training but unfortuneately I let it happen. Oh well, I have to move forward. Each day is a brand new day. Hope to post again soon. Life is messy, what can I say.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Dreaded Weigh-in and First Day As A Grad Student

I hope everyone, who reads this blog, had a wonderful holiday. I can't complain it was really nice spending time with my family and especially my niece, Bella. So, even though I had a nice Christmas, I however got the flu from my sister-in-law. Needless to say, I did not make it to the gym and especially did not find myself running outside. Oh well, I must keep moving. This is life, right? You get sick, take some time off to rest and recover and then get right back on track.

The most dreaded part of my new journey I'm on is the dreaded weigh-in. I guess I should say that I had my last supper this evening, Cox BBQ and my favorite, Orange Leaf. It was delicious and I savored every single bite! Yes, I know that I can have this type of food on Weight Watchers, it's just that I want to get off to a good start. Once I'm in full mode, I'll give myself permission to have some of my favorites. Anyhow, I must say I'm a little scared. Oh well, I have accepted my weight gain and ready to spend 2011 moving towards a new me!

Oh so many things are happening this week. Tomorrow is my first official day of being a grad student. I can't believe it :) I purchased my books this afternoon and feel very confident in starting my program.

My calendar is put in place and I have nifty little stickers to accommodate my organizational needs. I have never felt so good about a new year. I truly feel that 2011 will be my year.

To everyone reading my blog, have a great week.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Oops.....I forgot :(

Ok ok, I forgot to post my running schedule. I've been reading posts on and finally found a training schedule that I can work with. I've decided to post my training week by week until the big day. So for now, the rest of my week looks like this:

Thursday: run 1 mile + fight angry last minute shoppers & sip a peppermint mocha
Friday: run 1 mile + enjoy a cup of ice cold eggnog, yum:(
Saturday: Rest, open presents and have fun with the family
Sunday: run 1.5 miles + think about how I'm going to gear up for the new year

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hanging in there

Well, I haven't posted for a while but I have been running. I have ran three times since my last post. I know it doesn't sound like much, but for now it will work. Baby steps for me at the moment. The Christmas decorations are up and I am now feeling the holiday spirit! Yay! Ok, so my goal this week is to have my running schedule posted by Friday. I can do this. Oh, I almost forgot, I got into grad school!! Yep, I'll be a grad student next semester. I'm so excited. I can see my life is finally heading toward the right direction.

Whoever is reading my blog,have a great rest of the week.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fresh Start & New Design

Today I ran 1 mile + walked 1 mile. I'm very proud of myself because today was a long day! Yesterday I read a blog that inspired me. A friend of mine in high school has her own blog. She writes about being a parent, wife, and a runner. Here recently she ran a marathon. As I was reading her journey through 26.2 miles and what it was like getting through the training, I was just amazed how she did it. She can get up early and make running a priority even when she has two very important roles to fulfill, being a mother and a wife. I admire her for being able to deal with everyday life one day at a time. I wish I can do that. I've let fear, anxiety and depression stand in my way. It has guided me toward a life I do not want for myself. So today I started making a change. Even though I was tired from work, I can not let that get in my way. I was thinking that when I start to really get a good running schedule, I know I'll start feeling much better. Emotionally, physically, and mentally. I'm looking forward to heading in the right direction for my life.

Thank you to my high school friend for letting me know that it may seem like you don't have enough time in the world to train for a marathon, but if you make it a priority then you'll find the time.

I'm giving this new layout design a try. I've been in the festive mood lately and wanted to jazz up my blog page to give it a little Christmas flair.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back On the Wagon

With some major set backs, I'm now getting back on the wagon. My life is so complicated right now, everyday I ask God to please give me strength. Without going into details and to protect my families privacy, all I want to say is that I never thought I would be in the situation I'm in today. Oh well, what can you do? Life is most definitely full of surprises and not all of them good. All I want to say today is that I'm getting back on the wagon. I saw my best friend over the weekend and she game me a little dose of reality. If I want change, I have to make it happen. With the holidays approaching all I can think about is that spring is literally just around the corner. Time goes sooo fast! I Do Not want to go through another summer without wearing shorts. I 'm so tired of being afraid but then not being motivated or mentally strong enough to make it happen. I guess those are just excuses. I can do this! If anyone is reading my blog, I ask that you pray for me please! I have to turn my life around and get back that Abbie I know.